When beginning your journey in buying or listing Tahoe Keys homes for sale, the best way to start is by finding out what the local market report is. The best resource for this is from a Tahoe Keys realtor. Both buyers and sellers can benefit by knowing things like what the month supply is, the sold prices and what the days on market are so they can come up with a custom plan to achieve their Tahoe Keys real estate goals. Sellers usually want to sell fast and for the most money. Buyers want a property that fits their criteria AND their budget. A Tahoe Keys realtor will be able to tell you these details as well as guide you on how to proceed so both parties can achieve their goals. So how is the Tahoe Keys real estate market looking? Let’s look at the numbers below.
The average and median sold prices for Tahoe Keys homes for sale is down 0.1% at $843,585 while the median is up 10.2% at $708,500. This neighborhood currently has the highest sold price compared to other neighborhoods in South Lake Tahoe. The average percentage of list price is 95.7%, which basically tells sellers and buyer their negotiation power.
The amount of Tahoe Keys homes for sale has decreased 5.3%. The pending sales are up 22.2% while the closed sales are up 22.4%. The median days on market is down to 102 while the average is down to 125. The month supply is down from last year by 8.1% at 5.7. This is up from last month and essentially tells us who has control of the market. Less than 4 is a seller’s market while anything 6 or over is balanced. If you have more questions about what is happening in our market, feel free to contact me. I have been serving this neighborhood as a Tahoe Keys realtor for years and I would be happy to help.
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